Kids often feel helpless when fighting against climate change. Well, there’s many things that kids can do when stopping climate change.

  • As a kid, while you are limited, one of the most effective things you can do it being aware about climate change, what you’re area is doing to fight it, and what it’s effects are. By just being educated on the topic, you can get involved in discussions and begin to instill changes in your school. Always keep learning! If you’re reading this, you’re halfway there.

  • Saving water is always a good way to help the environment. Whether its by having one less water balloon fight this summer or taking shorter showers, using less water is always good.

  • Planting trees around your neighborhood is a super easy and great way to help as a kid. Trees help because they capture carbon dioxide, which is the problematic chemical. When trees are chopped down it hurts the environment and when they are planted, it helps the environment.

  • As a kid, volunteering is a really good way to make a difference. You could do beach clean-ups, park clean-ups, volunteer at an aquarium or a zoo - there are several different options for volunteering.

  • Start by recycling everything you can. If your school doesn’t have a recycling program, ask them to start one. If they have an ineffective one, make it better. Waste less food, and when you do waste it, compost it. Use less containers and containers with less packaging. Just do whatever you can to reduce the amount of waste you produce, wherever it comes from.

  • Ask your teachers what your school is doing to raise awareness about climate change. If they aren’t doing anything, tell you’re teacher that you want to start something. Whether you’re in 3rd grade or 10th grade, asking your school to get involved is always a huge step in the right direction.

  • When you are going places, whether it’s school or sports practice or the movies, if it’s a short distance, you should avoid having your parents drive you and walk instead. Lots of emissions come from cars; by walking and biking short distances, you are cutting these emissions, which is great for the environment

  • Meat is a key part of many of our diets. However, since it is bad for both the environment and our health, you should reduce or stop your consumption of it altogether. You can make cute veggie snacks and eat plant-based meat instead. Trust, this is the better option for your body and your planet.

  • If you’re a kid, this is one of the best things you can do. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Turn off electronics when you’re done using them. Unplug your chargers and appliances. This sounds like a small thing to do, but if every single person does it, it can really add up.