Synthetic Leaves Generate Electricity from Wind and Rain
Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

Synthetic Leaves Generate Electricity from Wind and Rain

The World Health Organization projects that climate change will cause over 250,000 additional deaths annually (Climate Change, 2023). Consequently, the issue tends to draw attention from people across the United States who demand immediate action. The most popular forms of renewable energy are solar power, wind power, and hydropower. Unfortunately, all of these methods of generating electricity have downsides, including cost and harm to the environment.

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Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

The Dark Side of Carbon Capture

Carbon capture, sequestration, and removal are all vital technologies we need to utilize to achieve net-zero carbon emissions. The difference between these technologies is that removal removes carbon that has already been emitted into the atmosphere, sequestration attempts to take carbon away at its source, such as from flue stacks, and carbon capture essentially encapsulates all of these different technologies.

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Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

The woman who really discovered the greenhouse effect

We spend a lot of time talking about the present and the future whether that’s at school, at work, in the stock market, or even when talking about the climate crisis. We are going to take a quick trip to the past and focus on who is to be credited for discovering the greenhouse effect.

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Green Hydrogen: benefits, obstacles, importance
Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

Green Hydrogen: benefits, obstacles, importance

Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical in the world. It turns out that hydrogen is actually a really effective fuel, however, it does not exist alone in nature. Hydrogen is a diatomic element meaning that it always appears as H2, among other elements in compounds and molecules, such as our favorite, water.

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Carbon capturing fruits, modeled after the human lung
Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

Carbon capturing fruits, modeled after the human lung

Carbon capture, removal, and storage technology is a relatively new technology, but it has been around for some time with little success. Essentially what the technology does is it sucks carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and either converts it…

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Fast Fashion: Quick Waste
Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

Fast Fashion: Quick Waste

You’ve probably heard the words consumerism before. It means the culture that we have developed to give consumers what they want and when they want it. However, it is said that consumerism is a really big contributor to climate change. The reason being that a lot of big…

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Are EVs Greener than ICEs?
Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

Are EVs Greener than ICEs?

Many people think that electric vehicles (EVs) are 100% sustainable and environmentally-friendly. While research has shown that EVs produce on-net less emissions than internal combustion engines (ICEs), they still are not at their full green capacity.

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What role does AI play in solving climate change?
Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

What role does AI play in solving climate change?

Machine learning. Quantum computing. ChatGPT. We all have heard about these AI platforms and they clearly have so much potential. All the way from school essays to healthcare problems to encryption, AI will soon be the “new Google”.

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Bioplastic: The Future Plastic?
Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

Bioplastic: The Future Plastic?

Plastic is a huge problem in our world. In total, throughout their lifecycle, plastics are responsible for 3.4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In the 1960s, plastic began to gain popularity as the ubiquitous material, which was cheap, versatile, and easy to make. However, now we know the truth.

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How can Walt Disney world be more sustainable?
Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

How can Walt Disney world be more sustainable?

Walt Disney is a feature in many of our childhood memories. We all know about Mickey Mouse and Disney princesses. Watching Disney’s magic film productions led us to ask our parents to take us to Disney World. I recently visited Walt Disney World for the second time, and this time I viewed it from a climate standpoint and have some quick and easy sustainable recommendations.

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The Future Should Be Nuclear.
Anusha Kumar Anusha Kumar

The Future Should Be Nuclear.

Climate change. These two words immediately cause eyes to gloss over. Well, here is the truth: Climate change is not just a headline in newspapers; it is happening right now and it is happening fast. Because of the energy sources we are using right now, like fossil fuels, we are releasing chemicals (greenhouse gasses)

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