How to Avoid a Climate Disaster written by Bill Gates talks about all the potential green solutions we have to many of the primary causes of climate change. It talks about the pros and cons of each potential technology and describes what we have and what more we need. It is reader-friendly and well-written and a great introductory book on climate change.

Speed&Scale written by John Doerr discusses an in-depth action plan for climate change, including legislation, policy, incentives, and technology. It provides a feasible and effective plan for how to halt climate change and how to get there. Each section also includes a few anecdotes from various people, including entrepreneurs and climate activists. This is an advanced book which deeply discusses many aspects of the contributing factors of climate change.

Seaspiracy, a documentary directed by Ali Tabrizi, talks about the harms of the fishing industry on the climate. It is a very informative, fluid documentary and goes in depth on topics including overfishing, the illegal shark fin trade, whaling, and trawling. This is a well-made documentary and is a must-watch. whether you’re interested in the oceans, or you just want to be aware about the impacts of seafood on wildlife and the environment.